Audio matrix software for audio routing and commercials splitting
Xaudiomatrix is an audio matrix software that performs the routing of N input sources to N output destinations. Designed to simplify audio and splitting routing needs, it can be used in automatic or manual mode. It interfaces with Xautomation, through the definition of software commands, and with XmasterSplitter, for the emission of commercials in split mode, transforming it into a valid alternative to MPX type switching hardware. The split audio outputs will be available for any type of destination, even in streaming.
Intuitive input/output switching
The Xaudiomatrix interface shows the available input channels (from top to bottom) and the available output channels (from left to right). Switching of a given input channel to an output
channel is indicated by the presence of square icons, where the matrix resources cross.

- Operating system: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1, Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
- Sound card: Any*, with WDM driver. It is possible to use multiple audio devices based on the number of inputs and outputs required
- Monitor: 19″ with 1920 x 1080 resolution
A registered copy of the software can be used on one machine only. The license is not personal and therefore not linked to an individual user, but can be used by different users working on the same workstation. In case of a license purchased for a single station, Xdevel offers a second license free of charge to be used on another machine as a back up. For security reasons, Xdevel strongly recommends installing the second license on a back up workstation. If you want to use the software on more than one workstation, you must purchase additional licenses based on the number of machines on which you want to install and use the software.
The supply of products and services is always accompanied by a high level of technical support. Support services are included in all subscription plans and are provided through ticketing system, email, telephone or through remote desktop sessions.
Technical features
- Audio matrix with N inputs and N outputs.
- Possibility to interface with Xautomation and Xmastersplitter.
- Possibility to switch multiple external input sources directly.
- Customisable audio configuration with both mono and stereo support and complete options for the management of L and R channels between inputs and outputs.
- Volume setting and PRE/POST mode on the outputs.